Quotes about Learning
People who fail forward are able to see errors or negative experiences as a regular part of life, learn from them, and then move on. They persevere in order to achieve their purpose in life.
- John Maxwell
If you don't already have a mentor, go out and find one. If you can't get someone to help you in person, begin the process by reading books. That's where I got started. The main thing is to get the process under way.
- John Maxwell
transformation is possible for anyone willing to learn and live good values, value people, and collaborate with others to create a positive values culture.
- John Maxwell
The greatest enemy of tomorrow's success is yesterday's success.
- John Maxwell
A person who cannot sacrifice will never belong to himself; he belongs to whatever he was unwilling to give up. If you want to develop maturity and gain the value of learning, you need to learn to give up some things today for greater gains tomorrow.
- John Maxwell
Every day I read, write, think, ask questions, and file what I learn. These are the five disciplines I practice to keep improving.
- John Maxwell
Every time we make an excuse, we fail to learn from our mistakes.
- John Maxwell
Leadership is developed, not discovered. It's a process.
- John Maxwell
Stopping to reflect is one of the most valuable activities people can do to grow.
- John Maxwell
Learn as if you were to live forever; live as if you were to die tomorrow.
- John Maxwell
to act on what you learn is all that really matters.
- John Maxwell
The problem promise: when you handle them well, problems promise to make you better.
- John Maxwell