Quotes about Learning
For anything that smacked of a classroom or of being lectured to—"professor" was one of his bad words, and he was proud of never going to class, never buying a textbook, never taking a note—he got up and left the room.
- Michael Wolff
If you are being discipled by a rabbi, you certainly want to know what the rabbi knows. But the actual goal of being a disciple is to become who the rabbi is. Not just to know what he knows, but to become like him.
- Mike Breen
You could argue we are the most educated people who have ever lived. Why are we wrestling with this question, and why don't we have good answers for it? This is the question. How do we make disciples?
- Mike Breen
Obviously, apprenticeship is happening here. You want to learn to be a plumber? Find a Master Plumber and do what he does. You want to learn to be a disciple? Find someone with the life that resembles the life of Jesus and do what he does. This is what the disciples were doing.
- Mike Breen
It is liberating to think that, with God's Spirit, over time, we can learn the ways of Jesus, doing the things that he did while becoming the same type of person. It doesn't happen overnight, and the expectation of Scripture isn't that it happens overnight.
- Mike Breen
There seem to be three different ways that we learn, but unequivocally, we learn best when there is a dynamic interplay between all three at one time: 1) Classroom/Lecture passing on of information 2) Apprenticeship 3) Immersion
- Mike Breen
The hard reality is that immersion works only when people are actually fluent in something.
- Mike Breen
The message was clear: to be a disciple meant that you learn how to make disciples — an ever-multiplying movement meant to bless the whole world.
- Mike Breen
Give a man a fish and he can eat for a day, but teach a man to fish and he can eat for a lifetime. Changing the world may not be so daunting after all.
- Mike Breen
Huddles work because they expose people to the learning of a group rather than only one-on-one mentoring. What a member gets to see is not only how the leader is discipling them, but also how the leader is discipling other people as well. Because each person is different, different skills and practices are needed to disciple various personality types.
- Mike Breen
The goal is not to run a program called "Missional Community." The goal is to learn how to function as an extended family on mission.
- Mike Breen
Where kairos is an event word—something that has a beginning and ending—repentance (metanoia) is a process word, as is believe (pistis). The Circle is a process, a way of living that does not have a specific beginning and ending. One does not become a disciple of Jesus and stand still; discipleship is a lifestyle of learning. And this learning begins with a change of heart.
- Mike Breen