Quotes about Struggle
The central problem is always in the midst of the people of God, not in the circumstances surrounding them.
- Francis Schaeffer
I am simply trying to struggle through life trying to do God's bidding.
- George Lucas
Surely He intends some great good to follow this mighty convulsion which no mortal could make, and no mortal could stay.
- Abraham Lincoln
How is it, Lord, that we are cowards in everything save in opposing thee?
- Teresa of Avila
The godly have some good in them, therefore the devil afflicts them; and some evil in them, therefore God afflicts them.
- Thomas Watson
The best people often have terrible lives. Job is one example, and Jesus—the ultimate 'Job,' the only truly, fully innocent sufferer — is another.
- Timothy Keller
It's pride, plain and simple, that keeps me from giving God all the glory and keeping some of it for myself. It is a battle we all fight in some form or another, some of us daily or even hourly.
- Francis Chan
We think we understand another person's struggle until God reveals the same shortcomings in our lives.
- Oswald Chambers
Too many Christians live their lives like slaves - to the devil - because they believe his lies more than they trust God.
- Joyce Meyer
We may not only find faith in God in our sorrow. We may also become faithful to Him in times of calm.
- Thomas Monson
Now, at the end of three years struggle the nation's condition is not what either party, or any man devised, or expected. God alone can claim it.
- Abraham Lincoln
We stood and watched as God abandoned us, and then we did the best we could.
- Alice Hoffman