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Quotes about Struggle

It's been my experience that most people aren't truly happy until they've had many reasons to be sad. I believe this is because it takes all of those bad days and hardships to teach us how to truly appreciate what we have. It builds our resilience."2
- Joyce Meyer
our warfare is not with other human beings but with the devil and his demons.
- Joyce Meyer
We fight many battles, but probably the greatest battle we fight is the one with ourselves.
- Joyce Meyer
By the power of His blood, come against all evil spirits that hinder godly thoughts. If you feel your mind is sluggish, lazy, and unable to believe, then speak against "mind-binding spirits." Pray this way not just one time but any time you experience difficulty in this area. The devil never runs out of fiery darts to throw against us when we are trying to go forward.
- Joyce Meyer
Romans 8:1 says that, as believers, we can "live [and] walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit." One of the ways you can tell if you are following the flesh (your own plan) instead of the Spirit (God's plan) is that you have no peace and you're struggling.
- Joyce Meyer
reminding Satan and yourself that you do not walk after the flesh but after the Spirit. Walking after the flesh is depending on yourself; walking after the Spirit is depending on God.
- Joyce Meyer
by our corrupt and sensual nature], obeying the impulses of the flesh and the thoughts of the mind. Ephesians 2:3
- Joyce Meyer
Being positive does not mean we deny the existence of difficulty; it means we believe God is greater than our difficulties. Believing in God can cause us to win any battle we face. When
- Joyce Meyer
It is very helpful for us to remember that "hurting people hurt people." I don't think very many people wake up every day with the thought in mind of purposely seeing how much they can hurt everyone in their life, yet that is often exactly what they do. Why? Usually because they are hurting and have unresolved issues in their own life.
- Joyce Meyer
They want a miracle to correct their lack of discipline. Too
- Joyce Meyer
The Bible says our warfare is with the devil, not with people (Ephesians 6:12).
- Joyce Meyer
Occasionally we see "shooting stars" in ministry—people who come out of seemingly nowhere and practically overnight are known worldwide, usually because they happened to get in with a certain group of people who had an ability to open doors for them. Rarely do their ministries last. They often get into trouble financially or morally because character is built during the hard times of waiting, but they didn't go through that character-building time.
- Joyce Meyer