Quotes about Struggle
True Gospel ministry is not a party, but a battle for souls.
- Perry Stone
At times there is a crushing before a crowning.
- Perry Stone
Often your greatest battles come before your greatest blessings.
- Perry Stone
Weeds choke the life out of anything good that might grow.
- Perry Stone
I learned that if the battle is great, the blessing will be greater!
- Perry Stone
What if the call to pray is a call to bleed as well as to receive blessing?
- Pete Greig
Church is too often the most risky place to be spiritually honest.
- Peter Enns
When we reach the point where things simply make no sense, when our thinking about God and life no longer line up, when any sense of certainty is gone, and when we can find no reason to trust God but we still do, well that is what trust looks like at its brightest — when all else is dark.
- Peter Enns
My commitment to follow through on my choice came with a cost. I tried very hard, for years, with complete transparency, to blend together old and new—the particular Christian tradition that birthed me and for which I had deep respect, and the bigger Bible I had come to know, was excited about, and could not deny without deceiving myself and others.
- Peter Enns
When we think of "strong" faith as something that should be free of uncertainty or crises, I believe we have gotten wrong an important part of who God is and how the Christian life really works.
- Peter Enns
judging by how the Bible actually behaves—God did not design scripture to be a hushed afternoon in an oak-paneled library. Instead, God has invited us to participate in a wrestling match, a forum for us to be stretched and to grow.
- Peter Enns
We can well imagine Jews feeling a bit out of their element—maybe intimidated and shamed by their own story, which began in slavery, ended in exile, and with absolutely zero contributions to philosophy or science. "Some 'chosen people'! What kind of God did you say you follow? Apparently one who lets bad things happen to you.
- Peter Enns