Quotes about Struggle
If you are God's child, you're either giving in to sin or giving way to the operation of rescuing grace, but your heart's never neutral.
- Paul David Tripp
We should never become achievement satisfied, because there is always more gospel work to do. But we must always remind one another that achievement is a spiritual minefield. Achievement has the power to change us—to change who we think we are and what we think we are capable of doing. Sadly, achievement can turn humble servant leaders into proud, controlling, and unapproachable mini-kings. But there is powerful, right-here, right-now grace for this struggle.
- Paul David Tripp
There are moments when we get lost in the middle of God's story. We lose our minds, we lose our sense of direction, and we lose our remembrance of him.
- Paul David Tripp
No, the message is that God puts an uncompromising standard before us, then sends his Son to perfectly meet that standard on our behalf, so that we can be free to admit our failures and go to God for help. The cross of Jesus Christ means I don't have to deny my struggle as a parent, I don't have to act as if I'm something that I'm not, and I surely don't have to hide from the only One who is able to help me.
- Paul David Tripp
In a fallen world there is a powerful pressure to constrict your life to the shape and size of your life.
- Paul David Tripp
to close the gap between your confessional theology and your functional theology, and by closing the gap, give the enemy less opportunity to do his evil work.
- Paul David Tripp
when we are living in the middle of difficulty, we are tempted to view it as a sign of God's unfaithfulness or inattention.
- Paul David Tripp
Our struggle with sin is so deep that it was not enough for God to forgive us, so he also unzipped us and got inside of us by his Spirit.
- Paul David Tripp
It's so easy to fail to live in light of the fact that Jesus didn't die just for your past forgiveness (praise God that he did) or your future resurrection (what hope!), but also for everything you are facing in the here and now.
- Paul David Tripp
Parenting is about the condition that makes good behavior seem such a hard and elusive goal.
- Paul David Tripp
Not knowing is hard. It would be nice to know if that elder is going to succumb to the temptation of being divisive. It would be nice to know if the finances of the church are going to rebound. It would be nice to know how that new preaching series will be received, if those young missionaries will make all the adjustments that they need to make, or if you'll get the permits to build that needed worship space.
- Paul David Tripp
Sure, there are times I get tired and wish he'd up and leave, but I don't get despondent.
- Paul David Tripp