Quotes about Struggle
To kill sin is the work of living men; where men are dead (as all unbelievers, the best of them, are dead), sin is alive, and will live" (chapter 7). Oh, the pastoral insights that emerge from Owen! As here: If you are fighting sin, you are alive. Take heart.
- John Owen
Every unmortified sin will certainly do two things: [1.] It will weaken the soul, and deprive it of its vigour. [2.] It will darken the soul, and deprive it of its comfort and peace.
- John Owen
Audax omnia perpeti Gens humana ruit per vetitum nefas.
- John Owen
Suddenly summoned to witness something great and horrendous, we keep fighting not to reduce it to our own smallness.
- John Updike
God save us from ever ending, though billions have./ The world is blanketed by foregone deaths,/ small beads of ego, bright with appetite,/ whose pin-sized prick of light winked out,/ bequeathing Earth a jagged coral shelf/ unseen beneath the black unheeding waves.
- John Updike
Also ist mein Sohn ein Simpel.' In einer Hinsicht. Aber der größte Teil der Menschheit ist so. Weil es sonst zu schwer zu ertragen ist, Mensch zu sein. Im Gegensatz zu den Tieren wissen wir zu viel. Sie, die anderen Tiere, wissen gerade genug, um ihren Job zu machen und zu sterben. Um zu essen, zu schlafen, zu vögeln, Babys zu kriegen und zu sterben.
- John Updike
Wir wissen eben nicht, was einer tun sollte, wir haben nicht mehr wir früher Antworten parat; wir wursteln uns bloß weiter durch und versuchen, nicht nachzudenken.
- John Updike
Live. Live, brothers, though there be naught but shame and failure to furnish forth your living.
- John Updike
Odat? cu nenorocirea, vine È™i o uÈ™urare, o înseninare: porÈ›iuni vaste ale vieÈ›ii tale sunt date la o parte, devin dintr-odat? neînsemnate.
- John Updike
When he strays from straddling the mane of weeds, brambles rake his painted sides.
- John Updike
What kind of second-rate grief is it that permits them to walk?
- John Updike
Skeeter stands and tries to comprehend this man. "Trouble with you, he sees, "you still cluttered up with common sense. Common sense is bullshit, man. It gets you through the days all right, but it leaves you alone at night. It keeps you from knowing.
- John Updike