Quotes about Boredom
You only lose energy when life becomes dull in your mind. Your mind gets bored and therefore tired of doing nothing.
- Norman Vincent Peale
How excellent! And if you handed one of them the complete scenario of his life, the unvarying dialogue up to his moment of death- what a hellish gift that's be. What other boredom! Every living instant he be replaying what he knew absolutely. No deviation. He could anticipate every response every utterance over and over and over and over and over and…
- Frank Herbert
Why must a girl pay so dearly for her least escape, Lily muses as she contemplates the prospect of being bored all afternoon by Percy Grice, dull but undeniably rich, on the bare chance that he might ultimately do her the honor of boring her for life?
- Edith Wharton
Whenever I don't have anything to do, I play Candy Crush or Scrabble. We actors have time between shots, which we need to kill. And we cannot call friends or family, as you are called at a moment's notice. So you need to do something which you can dispose of immediately when called for a shot.
- Barun Sobti
Boredom is a very self-conscious emotion by definition. Interest is not. So you can actually be completely absorbed in something and, at certain points in your development, not even realize that you're into it.
- Angela Duckworth
Hard work never killed a man. Men die of boredom, psychological conflict, and disease. They do not die of hard work.
- David Ogilvy
When you are bored, restless, longing for something more, unfulfilled, feeling like you've settled, haunted by the sense of being trapped in your own life, these are the deep waters of your soul speaking to you, telling you something is wrong, something is missing, something needs to change.
- Rob Bell
Boredom, cynicism, and despair are spiritual diseases because they disconnect us from the most primal truth about ourselves—that we are here.
- Rob Bell
Every party is the same, too many people, too little food, and you have to wait around. I'm extremely bored with parties.
- Marina Abramovic
Plain sugar cookies, no matter how well they are made, are a bit boring to me.
- Johnny Iuzzini
He was working hard at increasing his life span. He did it by cultivating boredom.
- Joseph Heller
He could not make them understand that he was a crotchety old fogey of twenty-eight, that he belonged to another generation, another era, another world, that having a good time bored him and was not worth the effort, and that they bored him, too. He could not make them shut up; they were worse than women. They had not brains enough to be introverted and repressed.
- Joseph Heller