Quotes about Thought
Discontent with this world gives such a painful longing to quit it that, if the heart finds comfort, it is solely from the thought that God wishes it to remain here in banishment.
- Teresa of Avila
To think is of itself to be useful; it is always and in all cases a striving toward God.
- Victor Hugo
Heaven is beyond our imagination . . . . At our most creative moment, at our deepest thought, at our highest level, we still cannot fathom eternity.
- Max Lucado
Without doubt, the mightiest thought the mind can entertain is the thought of God, and the weightest word in any language is its word for God.
- AW Tozer
What am I pondering, you ask? So help me God, immortality.
- John Milton
Not a single path Of thought I tread, but that it leads to God.
- Philip James Bailey
When we attempt to define and describe God, both language and thought desert us, and we are as helpless as fools and savages.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The sphere that is deepest, most unexplored, and most unfathomable, the wonder and glory of God's thought and hand, is our own soul!
- Henry Ward Beecher
Most good thinking has its origin in fear.
- Alain de Botton