Quotes about Thought
There isn't a single motivation, thought, act, or word that has slipped out of your being and escaped the full, undivided attention of God.
- Bill Hybels
Thought is more than a right - it is the very breath of man. Whoever fetters thought attacks man himself. To speak, to write, to publish, are things, so far as the right is concerned, absolutely identical. They are the ever-enlarging circles of intelligence in action; they are the sonorous waves of thought.
- Victor Hugo
An idea is a curious thing. It will not work unless you do.
- Hannah Whitall Smith
They say the sky is the same everywhere. Travellers, the shipwrecked, exiles, and the dying draw comfort from the thought.
- Virginia Woolf
A mind might ponder its thought for an epoch, and not gain so much self-knowledge as the passion of love shall teach in a day.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The God of my childhood was an old, white, Vandyck-bearded Father Time, who roared up thunder, then puffed out His cheeks and blew down hurricanes on His errant children. He could be placated only if one fell prostrate, groveled and begged for mercy. I didn't like that God, but He did seem more real than a Maker who was just thought and spirit. I wished for a Someone in between.
- Maya Angelou
The peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7
- Beth Moore
In some causes silence is dangerous.
- Ambrose of Milan
I just didn't know that you could have a voice and an authorship over a film, which probably sounds a bit silly. But I just hadn't really thought about films in that way.
- Kate Herron
Justice for everyone is an alarming thought because it raises the possibility that it might come upon oneself after all. As the author of Ephesians puts it, "by nature" we are all "children of wrath, like the rest of mankind" (Eph. 2:3).
- Fleming Rutledge
Conscience is a vigilant eye before which each imagination, thought, and act is held up for either censure or approval . . .There is no greater proof of the existence of a moral law and Lawgiver in the universe than this little light of the soul. It is God's voice to the inner man.
- Billy Graham
If we truly love Christ, we will want to please and honor Him by the way we live. Even the thought of hurting Him or bringing disgrace to His name will be abhorrent to us.
- Billy Graham