Quotes about Cover
The pavilion that seems to intercept divine aid does not cover God but occasionally covers us. God is never hidden, yet sometimes we are, covered by a pavilion of motivations that draw us away from God and make Him seem distant and inaccessible.
- Henry B. Eyring
Behind every smile there's teeth.
- Confucius
They'd put an awning up over the gravesite but the weather was all sideways and it did no good.
- Cormac McCarthy
There is no evil that the father's love cannot pardon and cover, there is no sin that is a match for his grace.
- Timothy Keller
In the Chinese language the word for righteousness is a combination of two characters, the figure of a lamb and a person. The lamb is on top, covering the person. Whenever God looks down at you, this is what he sees: the perfect Lamb of God covering you.
- Max Lucado
Christians, saints of God, pray that the dew of heaven may fall on earth's dry thirsty ground, and that righteousness may cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.
- Billy Graham
Yea, foolish mortals, Noah's flood is not yet subsided; two thirds of the fair world it yet covers.
- Herman Melville
She writes like an angel, it says of Laura on the back of one of the editions of The Blind Assassin. An American edition, as I recall, with gold scrollwork on the cover: they set a lot of store by angels in those parts. In point of fact angels don't write much. They record sins and the names of the dammed and the saved, or they appear as disembodied hands and scribble warnings on walls. Or they deliver messages, few of which are good news: God be with you is not an unmixed blessing.
- Margaret Atwood
Love can't cover over the sins we cover up…If you want God and others to cover over your sin, stop covering it up.
- Mark Buchanan
WEAR MY ROBE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS with ease. I custom-made it for you, to cover you from head to toe.
- Sarah Young
WEAR MY ROBE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS with ease. I custom-made it for you, to cover you from head to toe. The
- Sarah Young
Martyrdom covers a multitude of sins.
- Mark Twain