Quotes about Communication
Laugh at your friends, And if your friends are sore; So much the better, You may laugh the more.
- Henry Ward Beecher
When the answer to all my dreams is as close as a touch away, why am I here holding back what I'm trying to say?
- Clay Aiken
With friends like you - who needs enemas.
- Anonymous
Whoever tells the best story wins.
- John Quincy Adams
If you don't like yourself, you're going to have a really hard time getting along with anyone else.
- Joyce Meyer
Without publicity there can be no public support, and without public support every nation must decay.
- Benjamin Disraeli
I'm a great believer that any tool that enhances communication has profound effects in terms of how people can learn from each other, and how they can achieve the kind of freedoms that they're interested in.
- Bill Gates
Apparently I'm a 'Long' texter. Thanks for the criticism. Next time I'll just write 'F*ck you Grandpa.' instead.
- Jonah Hill
If a man loudly blesses his neighbor early in the morning, it will be taken as a curse.
- Proverbs 27:14
Nothing spoils romance so much as a sense of humour in the woman.
- Oscar Wilde
It's often just enough to be with someone. I don't need to touch them. Not even talk. A feeling passes between you both. You're not alone.
- Marilyn Monroe
The fact is that I find more most men are more open, more generous, and much more stimulating than the majority of females I know.
- Marilyn Monroe