Quotes about Communication
Father, help me today speak only words of excellence. Help me be a good listener and think before I speak. I want my words to glorify You and be a blessing to those who hear them. I need You, Lord. I am nothing without You. Strengthen me in all of my weaknesses
- Joyce Meyer
If you are a woman who truly wants to have peaceful relationships, I encourage you to examine yourself and ask God to reveal to you any unrealistic expectations you may have of other people.
- Joyce Meyer
Yes, we can hear from God in a personal, intimate way. The depth of our personal relationship with God is based on intimate communication with Him. He speaks to us so that we are guided, refreshed, restored, and renewed regularly.
- Joyce Meyer
Corinthians 14:15
- Joyce Meyer
Therefore, the person who speaks in an [unknown] tongue should pray [for the power] to interpret and explain what he says. For if I pray in an [unknown] tongue, my spirit [by the Holy Spirit within me] prays, but my mind is unproductive [it bears no fruit and helps nobody]. 1 Corinthians 14:13,14
- Joyce Meyer
One might say that our words are a movie screen that reveals what we have been thinking and the attitudes that we have.
- Joyce Meyer
Picture what could happen if a wife - instead of calling all her friends to complain about her husband - prayed to God to radically and outrageously bless him?
- Joyce Meyer
Every time you think anything good about anyone, verbalize it. People cannot read your mind; your thoughts have power and may affect their confidence level in a minor way, but your words can really lift them up and encourage them. All people need affirmation
- Joyce Meyer
Prayer is talking to God about all kinds of things. You would never expect to have a good relationship with a human being if you never spoke to that person or took time to listen to him or her, would you? Then why would you think you could enjoy a growing relationship with God if you never spoke or listened to Him?
- Joyce Meyer
God said that when a man and a woman are married, the two will become one flesh, but He never said it would be easy. Good relationships require a lot of hard work, education, and willingness to meet each other's needs.
- Joyce Meyer
I looked at that woman and thought, This poor lady thinks she is hearing from God. "But how do you know she wasn't?" you may ask. I know because if God had wanted to correct me about my clothes, He would have done it through my husband, one of my children or one of the leaders in my ministry. He would have chosen someone I knew and whose opinion I respected, not someone I had never met or even heard of before. It
- Joyce Meyer
He quickly asked God to cleanse his lips, and only after that was done did God release him to go and prophesy His message to others.
- Joyce Meyer