Quotes about Communication
My popularity, my happiness and sense of worth depend to no small extent upon my skill in dealing with people.
- Dale Carnegie
Economic diseases are highly communicable. It follows therefore that the economic health of every country is a proper matter of concern to all its neighbors, near or distant.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
I think employers need help in understanding how to translate a military career.
- Michelle Obama
Maybe if people started to listen, history would stop repeating itself.
- Lily Tomlin
Jesus spoke to those who had turned their backs on history. He spoke to those who had blatantly ignored sign after sign, servant after servant.
- Max Lucado
The most influential of all educational factors is the conversation in a child's home.
- William Temple
Don't worry about having the right words; worry more about having the right heart. It's not eloquence he seeks, just honesty.
- Max Lucado
To conceal anything from those to whom I am attached, is not in my nature. I can never close my lips where I have opened my heart.
- Charles Dickens
Honest speech does not seek secret places.
- St. Jerome
The key to intimacy is the commitment to honesty and to the radical forgiveness necessary in order for honesty to be safe.
- Marianne Williamson
Intimacy with God is that I can come in with the honesty of my heart, tell Him how much I'm hurting.
- Beth Moore
The fun of talk is to explore, but much of it and all that is irresponsible should not be written. Once written you have to stand by it. You may have said it to see whether you believed it or not.
- Ernest Hemingway