Quotes about Communication
Resist the temptation to think what afflicts you is peculiar to you. Have faith that what is in your consciousness can be communicated to the consciousness of all. And is, in many cases, already there.
- Alice Walker
And I don't believe you dead. How can you be dead if I still feel you? Maybe, like God, you changed into something different that I'll have to speak to in a different way, but you not dead to me Nettie. And never will you be.
- Alice Walker
When I no longer have your heart I will not request your body your presence or even your polite conversation. I will go away to a far country separated from you by the sea — on which I cannot walk — and refrain even from sending letters describing my pain.
- Alice Walker
Dear Nettie, I don't write to God no more, I write to you.
- Alice Walker
The news always sound crazy. People fussing and fighting and pointing fingers at other people, and never even looking for no peace.
- Alice Walker
remember one time you said your life made you feel so ashamed you couldn't even talk about it to God, you had to write it, bad as you thought your writing was. Well, now I know what you meant. And whether God will read letters or no, I know you will go on writing them; which is guidance enough for me. Anyway, when I don't write to you I feel as bad as I do when I don't pray, locked up in myself and choking on my own heart. I am so lonely, Celie.
- Alice Walker
We love them. We try every way we can to show that love. But they reject us. They never even listen to how we've suffered. And if they listen they say stupid things. Why don't you speak our language? they ask. Why can't you remember the old ways? Why aren't you happy in America, if everyone there drives motorcars?
- Alice Walker
Did people leave you, did their spirits simply take off, because you wouldn't read a book that turned them on? He now knew the answer was yes.
- Alice Walker
I smoke when I want to talk to God. I smoke when I want to make love. Lately I feel like me and God make love just fine anyhow.
- Alice Walker
I remember one time you said your life made you feel so ashamed you couldn't even talk about it to God, you had to write it, bad as you thought your writing was. Well, now I know what you meant. And whether God will read letters or no, I know you will go on writing them; which is guidance enough for me. Anyway, when I don't write to you I feel as bad as I do when I don't pray, locked up in myself and choking on my own heart.
- Alice Walker
So he bought her a car, only he refuse to show her how to drive it.
- Alice Walker
She was a literal speaker. What she expressed she both felt and was.
- Alice Walker