Quotes about Communication
There is no fiercer enemy than a word. A word that can be written down in pages and punctuated by quotation marks and commas and spelled out in contracts and poems and sighs, in old whispers and song lyrics, in promises and vows.
- Alice Hoffman
He was so pale the freckles stood out on his face the way they did when he was upset or hadn't slept. She thought they might be telling her something if she could only understand the language of freckles.
- Alice Hoffman
Many of them began to wonder why they themselves often feigned opinions rather than speak their minds, no matter how clever they were, for fear they'd be thought of as difficult.
- Alice Hoffman
Tell me you won't walk away again and I'll call the whole thing off.
- Alice Hoffman
I thought perhaps it was more important to listen than to be heard.
- Alice Hoffman
Loneliness can drive even the most alienated person to attempt to make cotact with another soul, even when it's via a soullness medium.
- Alice Hoffman
She didn't thank Ben, and she probably should have, but maybe he knows that she's grateful. Maybe he understands that saying thank you can be just as hard as saying good-bye.
- Alice Hoffman
if a person doesn't speak her mind she will carry her resentment until it burns her
- Alice Hoffman
You can always tell a liar, for he will not look at you when he speaks, and often he has white spots on his fingernails, one to mark every lie he's told.
- Alice Hoffman
Sometime after the accident, her parents stopped talking to each other unless they needed to discuss a household chore or a doctor's appointment. It's true, tragedy can bring you closer or drive you apart.
- Alice Hoffman
How wonderful to say whatever you wanted without having to go over it in your mind, again and again, to make certain it wouldn't set him off.
- Alice Hoffman
He awoke before dawn to find the tree in full bloom, a bower of cream-colored stars on dark, leathery leaves. He heard it speak to him when he leaned his head against the gray trunk.
- Alice Hoffman