Quotes about Communication
There are five language-sets in particular which they employed for this purpose. Briefly, they are as follows: Wisdom, Torah, Spirit, Word and Shekinah
- NT Wright
And the Christian who knows what he or she is about will constantly reflect that the most natural modes of God-talk are adoration, thanksgiving, confession, supplication and proclamation, not theorization.
- NT Wright
We sometimes have the impression that the coronavirus is providing people with a megaphone with which to say, more loudly, what they were wanting to say anyway.
- NT Wright
This makes the rather obvious logical mistake analogous to that of a soldier who, receiving orders through the mail, concludes that the letter carrier is his commanding officer. Those who transmit, collect and distribute the message are not in the same league as those who write it in the first place.
- NT Wright
hope it is clear, in fact, that this task of telling people about Jesus remains vital.
- NT Wright
When the only form of cultural commentary Christians offer is moral condemnation, no wonder we come across to non-believers as angry and scolding.
- Nancy Pearcey
What kind of ministry is that, just talking to people?" Criticism directed at Francis Schaeffer's plan to open an obscure spot in the Swiss Alps to those who came with questions.
- Nancy Pearcey
Stories and images can be powerful means for conveying ideas. Every time we read a book or watch a movie, we enter into an imaginative
- Nancy Pearcey
Learning critical thinking is important not only for speaking to people outside the church but also for educating people on the inside
- Nancy Pearcey
In order to communicate the gospel in the West, we face a unique challenge: We need to learn how to liberate it from the private sphere and present it in its glorious fullness as the truth about all reality.
- Nancy Pearcey
To get a message across to people, you must address their assumptions, questions, objections, hopes, fears, and aspirations.
- Nancy Pearcey
Our churches are being destroyed by gossip. What is it about us that wants to hear all the garbage?
- Neil Anderson