Quotes about Decay
To suggest personal will and effort to one all sicklied o'er with the sense of irremediable impotence is to suggest the most impossible of things. What he craves is to be consoled in his very powerlessness, to feel that the spirit of the universe recognizes and secures him, all decaying and failing as he is.
- William James
One thing and one thing alone keeps us from complete decay in this hour - the church, the true Church.
- Leonard Ravenhill
New York, like London, seems to be a cloacina [toilet] of all the depravities of human nature.
- Thomas Jefferson
Fossils do not require long ages to form. In fact, they must form quickly, otherwise the organism's softer tissues and even bones suffer decay (shells or teeth enamel naturally take longer to disintegrate).
- Ken Ham
We do not die wholly at our deaths: we have moldered away gradually long before. Faculty after faculty, interest after interest, attachment after attachment disappear: we are torn from ourselves while living.
- William Hazlitt
She parked, and the Cadillac, dark as bruised blood, stayed there for two years.
- Toni Morrison
All kings, and all their favourites, All glory of honours, beauties, wits, The sun itself, which makes time, as they pass, Is elder by a year now than it was When thou and I first one another saw. All other things to their destruction draw, Only our love hath no decay; This no to-morrow hath, nor yesterday; Running it never runs from us away, But truly keeps his first, last, everlasting day.
- John Donne
Way far back in the beginning of the world was the whirlwind warning that we could all be blown away like chips and cry- Men with tired eyes realize it now, and wait to deform and decay- with maybe they have the power of love yet in their hearts just the same, I just don't know what that word means anymore- All I want is an ice cream cone
- Jack Kerouac
We live in the midst of a gloomy society. Success; that is the lesson which falls drop by drop from the slope of corruption.
- Victor Hugo
Tobacco is the tomb of love.
- Benjamin Disraeli
Things had been falling down since the beginning of time.
- Carl Sagan
Look for yourself, and you will find in the long run only hatred, loneliness, despair, rage, ruin, and decay. But look for Christ, and you will find Him, and with Him everything else thrown in.
- CS Lewis