Quotes about Decay
Among a people generally corrupt, liberty cannot long exist.
- Edmund Burke
Without publicity there can be no public support, and without public support every nation must decay.
- Benjamin Disraeli
If I go back home to Wittenberg, I'll lie down in a coffin and give the maggots a fat doctor to eat.
- Martin Luther
The most fatal disease of friendship is gradual decay, or dislike hourly increased by causes too slender for complaint, and too numerous for removal.
- Samuel Johnson
Paul is talking about the present body, which is animated by the normal human psych? (the life force we all possess here and now, which gets us through the present life but is ultimately powerless against illness, injury, decay, and death), and the future body, which is animated by God's pneuma, God's breath of new life, the energizing power of God's new creation. This
- NT Wright
God loves the world so much that he will not allow it forever to wallow in the corruption and decay into which the rebellious human race has plunged it.
- NT Wright
Standing there on the embankment, staring into the current, I realized that — in spite of all the risks involved — a thing in motion will always be better than a thing at rest; that change will always be a nobler thing than permanence; that that which is static will degenerate and decay, turn to ash, while that which is in motion is able to last for all eternity.
- Olga Tokarczuk
The same fate awaits me too, and Oddball, and the Deer outside; one day we shall all be nothing more than corpses.
- Olga Tokarczuk
Every body part deserves to be remembered. Every human body deserves to last. It is an outrage that it's so fragile, so delicate. It is an outrage that it's permitted to disintegrate underground, or given the mercy of flames, burned like trash.
- Olga Tokarczuk
Now the earth was corrupt in the sight of God, and full of violence.
- Genesis 6:11
They were piled into countless heaps, and there was a terrible stench in the land.
- Exodus 8:14
Those of you who survive in the lands of your enemies will waste away in their iniquity and will decay in the sins of their fathers.
- Leviticus 26:39