Quotes about Creatures
The entire miracle of procreation and reproduction requires our participation, but hardly in the form of what we call our work. We did not make these marvelous creatures that walk and talk and grow among us. We participated in an act of love that was provided for us in the structure of God's creation.
- Eugene Peterson
God, who needs nothing, loves into existence wholly superfluous creatures in order that he may love and perfect them.
- CS Lewis
Because Your love is better than life, my lips will glorify You" (Ps. 63.3). Better than life! God invites mortal creatures—you and me—into a love relationship with the Son of glory. That, my friend, is the meaning of life. Let's partake. Fully. Completely.
- Beth Moore
People are little creatures with big capacities, finite beings with infinite desires, deserving nothing but demanding all. God made people with this huge capacity and desire in order that He might come in and completely satisfy that desire.
- Billy Graham
Surely the earth, which we see full of its own living creatures, is one; but for all that, it is but a mighty mass among the elements, and the lowest part of the world.
- St. Augustine
In things of beauty, he contemplated the One who is supremely beautiful, and, led by the footprints he found in creatures, he followed the Beloved everywhere
- St Bonaventure
God loves his creatures, and he loves each one the more, the more it shares his own goodness, which is the first and primary object of his love. Therefore he wants the desires of his rational creatures to be fulfilled because they share most perfectly of all creatures the goodness of god. And his will is an accomplisher of things because he is the cause of things by his will. So it belongs to the divine goodness to fulfill the desires of rational creatures which are put to him in prayer.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
How, then, shall God give himself entirely to that one who, besides his God, loves creatures still?
- Alphonsus Liguori
God gave our first parents the food He designed that the race should eat. It was contrary to His plan to have the life of any creature taken. There was to be no death in Eden. The fruit of the trees in the garden was the food man's wants required.
- Ellen White
The instinct of imitation is implanted in man from childhood, one difference between him and other animals being that he is the most imitative of creatures; and through imitation he learns his earliest lessons.
- Aristotle
Whatever it means for us to exist, we do so as creatures created, as the universe has been created, to glorify God.
- Stanley Hauerwas
These two things be common to the souls, as of God, so of men, and of every reasonable creature, first that in their own proper work hey cannot be hindered by anything: and secondly, that their happiness doth consist in a disposition to, and in the practice of righteousness; and that in these their desire is terminated.
- Marcus Aurelius