Quotes about Biology
All food must be capable of being digested, and that what produces digestion is warmth; that is why everything that has soul in it possesses warmth.
- Aristotle
One cell in its unspeakable complexity would be worth the worship and awe of the entire universe. And cells were everywhere, their miraculous ness diminished only by their ubiquity.
- Moby
The contemporary design argument does not rest, however, on gaps in our knowledge but rather on the growth in our knowledge due to the revolution in molecular biology. Information theory has taught us that nature exhibits two types of order. The first type is produced by natural causes-shiny crystals, hexagonal patterns in oil, whirlpools in the bathtub. But the second type-the complex structure of the DNA molecule-is not produced by any natural processes known to experience.
- Nancy Pearcey
The biological structure of our bodies is not some evolutionary accident.
- Nancy Pearcey
natural selection may be able to explain the survival of a species, but it cannot explain the arrival of a species.
- Norman Geisler
A pair of substantial mammary glands have the advantage over the two hemispheres of the most learned professor's brain in the art of compounding a nutritive fluid for infants.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Not all flesh is the same: Men have one kind of flesh, animals have another, birds another, and fish another.
- 1 Corinthians 15:39
According to the Law of Biogenesis, life arises only from preexisting life.
- Ray Comfort
You must have carbon. Arsenic, boron, and silicon are the only other elements on which complex molecules can be based, but arsenic and boron are relatively rare and, where concentrated, poisonous to life, and silicon can hold together no more than about a hundred amino acids. Only carbon yields the chemical bonding stability and bonding complexity that life requires. Given the constraints of physics and chemistry, we now know that physical life must be carbon-based.
- Hugh Ross
Fathers are biological necessities, but social accidents.
- Margaret Mead
The human body essentially recreates itself every six months. Nearly every cell of hair and skin and bone dies and another is directed to its former place. You are not who you were last November.
- Donald Miller
The biologist Edwin Conklin, speaking of evolution, stated that the probability of life originating by accident is "comparable to the probability of the unabridged dictionary originating from an explosion in a print shop." That sounds very unscientific, coming from a scientist, but it's true.
- J. Vernon McGee