Quotes about Arguments
Prayer is crucial in evangelism: Only God can change the heart of someone who is in rebellion against Him. No matter how logical our arguments or how fervent our appeals, our words will accomplish nothing unless God's Spirit prepares the way.
- Billy Graham
If you didn't believe in objective truth, arguments would be just toys, or games, or jokes.
- Peter Kreeft
When you let your wounded self express itself in the form of apologies, arguments, or complaints—through which it cannot be truly heard—you will only grow frustrated and increasingly feel rejected.
- Henri Nouwen
Civil confusions often spring from trifles but decide great issues.
- Aristotle
Although the non-historical genre theory can seem quite reasonable at first glance, it is plagued with serious problems. First, it cannot account for the empty tomb, especially since this can be established by multiple arguments, even from texts outside the New Testament accounts.
- Gary Habermas
I need not repeat familiar arguments about the waste of teachers' time, and the difficulties thrown in the way of English children trying to learn their own language; or the fact that nobody without a visual memory for words ever succeeds in spelling conventionally, however highly educated he or she may be.
- George Bernard Shaw
All the arguments which are brought to represent poverty as no evil show it evidently to be a great evil.
- Samuel Johnson
These adversaries of Christ had no arguments with which to meet the truths He brought home to their consciences. They could only cite their customs and traditions, and these seemed weak and vapid when compared with the arguments Jesus had drawn from the word of God and the unceasing round of nature.
- Ellen White
When religious arguments based on the perspective of a single century or culture reach a high pitch, or when people who seem to have read only excerpts of the Bible use it to propose legislation, I return to the Book - not to find a solution, but to remember how many possibilities there are.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 CORINTHIANS 10 : 5
- Sarah Young
I doubt God keeps track of how many arguments we win; God may indeed keep track of how well we love.
- Philip Yancey
Those doubts you have I can assure you I know them too. But couldn't we perhaps go over together the philosophical arguments ... to help us both?
- Graham Greene