Quotes about Constraints
Freedom is a man's natural power of doing what he pleases, so far as he is not prevented by force or law.
- Cicero
Everything has its limit--iron ore cannot be educated into gold.
- Mark Twain
The author compares rationalism and much of organized religion do a dictator who paves over natural springs in order to dispense water in a more organized fashion. The pushback of the world hungry for wonder may be compared to the break out of those springs from their constraints. Not everything they produce is healthy, but the overreaction of eliminating them is worse.
- NT Wright
henceforth the victories of God over all the forces in the universe which are resistant to his will are to be won, not by the thunderbolts of coercive might, but by the persuasive constraints of self-sacrificing love.
- NT Wright
The problem is, lifestyle demands can quickly lock in place the personal resource allocation process.
- Clayton M. Christensen
Men imagine that the choices before them are theirs to make. But we are free to act only upon what is given. Choice is lost in the maze of generations and each act in that maze is itself an enslavement for it voids every alternative and binds one ever more tightly into the constraints that make a life
- Cormac McCarthy
Identify your key constraints: Determine the bottlenecks or choke points, internal or external, that set the speed at which you achieve your most important goals, and focus on alleviating them.
- Brian Tracy
Freedom, like everything else, is relative.
- Margaret Atwood
This is the holy reasoning of love; it draws no license from grace, but rather feels the strong constraints of gratitude leading it to holiness.
- Charles Spurgeon
The real reason I was lo-fi before was really just because that's what I could afford.
- Kurt Vile
At a minimum, in explaining evolutionary pathways through time, the constraints imposed by history rise to equal prominence with the immediate advantages of adaptation.
- Stephen Jay Gould
Passion mutates into procedures, into rules and roles. Instead of purpose, we focus on policies. Instead of being free to create, we impose constraints that squeeze the life out of us.
- Margaret J. Wheatley