Quotes about Unbounded
The gospel alone liberates you to live a life of scandalous generosity, unrestrained sacrifice, uncommon valor, and unbounded courage.
- Tullian Tchividjian
We must rekindle the fire of idealism in our society, for nothing suffocates the promise of America more than unbounded cynicism and indifference.
- Joe Biden
Stupid is a boundless concept.
- Anonymous
For man as an historical creature has desires of indeterminate dimensions.
- Reinhold Niebuhr
Within everyone is the seed of creativity that can grow in any direction. Nothing limits us except ourselves, for the truest aspect of each person is unbounded potential.
- Deepak Chopra
You can't have creativity unless you leave behind the bounded, the fixed, all the rules.
- Joseph Campbell
Infinite players regard their wins and losses in whatever finite games they play as but moments in continuing play.
- James Carse
Ecstasy carries you completely outside your ego boundaries. In ecstasy you know yourself as cosmic ego, unbounded in time and space.
- Deepak Chopra