Quotes about Sinners
Sinners cannot find God for the same reason that criminals cannot find a policeman: They aren't looking!
- Billy Sunday
The door of God's mercy is thrown wide open, and Christ stands in the door and says to sinners 'Come.'
- Jonathan Edwards
The cross was a glorious outworking of the grace of God, by which the Father commissioned the Son to make full satisfaction so that sinners might be saved with no sacrifice of God's justice.
- RC Sproul
God is far more willing to save sinners than sinners are to be saved.
- JC Ryle
We may be surprised at the people we find in heaven. God has a soft spot for sinners. His standards are quite low.
- Desmond Tutu
God is not hostile to sinners, but only to unbelievers.
- Martin Luther
Some people need a theology of an angry God to justify their anger against sinners.
- Bill Johnson
God's grace justifies sinners, but it never justifies sin!
- Joyce Meyer
Those who do unlawful acts are no more sinners in the eyes of God than we who think them.
- Elbert Hubbard
God's greatest interest is to glorify the wealth of His grace by making sinners happy in Him.
- John Piper
The single most loving act we can do is share the good news of Jesus Christ, that God saves sinners.
- Matt Chandler
Anyone can devise a plan by which good people may go to Heaven. Only God can devise a plan whereby sinners, who are His enemies, can go to Heaven.
- Lewis Sperry Chafer