Quotes about Sinners
But it is God who smites the godless, as he says here.
- Martin Luther
The cross of Christ gave power to the powerless. It gave strength to the weak. It brought salvation to repentant sinners. It brought hope to the hopeless. It gave peace to troubled hearts. What was true then it is still true today.
- Michael Youssef
Forgiveness flounders because I exclude the enemy from the community of humans and myself from the community of sinners.
- Miroslav Volf
The church is not supposed to be a society of perfect people doing great work. It's a society of forgiven sinners repaying their unpayable debt of love by working for Jesus's kingdom in every way they can, knowing themselves to be unworthy of the task.
- NT Wright
all the future judgment is highlighted basically as good news, not bad. Why so? It is good news, first, because the one through whom God's justice will finally sweep the world is not a hard-hearted, arrogant, or vengeful tyrant but rather the Man of Sorrows, who was acquainted with grief; the Jesus who loved sinners and died for them; the Messiah who took the world's judgment upon himself on the cross.
- NT Wright
All this means a vital shift from the usual reading of Romans to a truly Pauline one. Paul is not saying, "God will justify sinners by faith so that they can go to heaven, and Abraham is an advance example of this." He is saying, "God covenanted with Abraham to give him a worldwide family of forgiven sinners turned faithful worshippers, and the death of Jesus is the means by which this happens.
- NT Wright
Jesus's followers themselves were to be given a new kind of task. The Great Jailer had been overpowered; now someone had to go and unlock the prison doors. Forgiveness of sins had been accomplished, robbing the idols of their power; someone had to go and announce the amnesty to "sinners" far and wide. And this had to be done by means of the new sort of power: the cross-resurrection-Spirit kind of power. The power of suffering love.
- NT Wright
Then and now, broken sinners are the kinds of people God chooses to save, to bless, and to help.
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Christians have done far more damage to the church of Jesus Christ than any sinners outside the church could inflict.
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
You see, the Advent story reminds us that our past, present, and future hope rest not on our willingness, but on the willingness of the One for whom the angels sang, the shepherds worshiped, and the magi searched. Willing Jesus is the only hope for unwilling sinners!
- Paul David Tripp
the Advent story reminds us that our past, present, and future hope rest not on our willingness, but on the willingness of the One for whom the angels sang, the shepherds worshiped, and the magi searched. Willing Jesus is the only hope for unwilling sinners!
- Paul David Tripp
We must humbly admit we are sinners while we lay hold of the hope of our union with Christ. We don't simply suffer; we suffer as sinners with a deep propensity to run after god-replacements.
- Paul David Tripp