Quotes about Sinners
Now I will say this to every sinner, though he should think himself to be the worst sinner who ever lived: cry to the Lord and seek Him while He may be found. A throne of grace is a place fitted for you. By simple faith, go to your Savior, for He is the throne of grace.
- Charles Spurgeon
Christianity can be built around isolating ourselves from evildoers and sinners, creating a community of religious piety and moral purity. That's the Christianity I grew up with. Christianity can also be built around joining with the broken sinners and evildoers of our world crying out to God, groaning for grace. That's the Christianity I have fallen in love with. In
- Shane Claiborne
Much of the Bible was written by murderers who were given a second chance. Moses. David. Paul. The Bible would be much shorter without grace.
- Shane Claiborne
Lord, what you call compassion, others call weakness. What you call conviction, others call dissidence. What you call love, others call mixing with sinners. We pray that we too might be found weak, dissident, and in bad company, especially if it means we are closer to you. Amen.
- Shane Claiborne
We preach to men as if they were conscious they were dying sinners, they are not; they are having a good time.
- Oswald Chambers
The grace of God is love freely shown toward guilty sinners, contrary to their merit and indeed in defiance of their demerit.
- JI Packer
God's love is an exercise of his goodness toward sinners who merit only condemnation.
- JI Packer
The greatest reformation should be among those who have been the greatest sinners.
- Joseph Addison
Every congregation is a congregation of sinners. As if that weren't bad enough, they all have sinners for pastors.
- Eugene Peterson
The fact that we are a family of faith does not mean we are one big happy family. The people we encounter as brothers and sisters in faith are not always nice people. They do not stop being sinners the moment they begin believing in Christ.
- Eugene Peterson
All the persons of faith I know are sinners, doubters, uneven performers. We are secure not because we are sure of ourselves but because we trust that God is sure of us.
- Eugene Peterson
When we came to Christ, it was humility to honestly assess ourselves as sinners. To go back and say that's still who we are is to deny what Christ did for us. Doing that is no longer humbling ourselves, it's undercutting the resurrection power God has given us to live like Him.
- Bill Johnson