Quotes about Wealth
Tell me what you think about money, and I will tell you what you think about God, for these two are closely related. A man's heart is closer to his wallet than anything else.
- Billy Graham
Money represents your time, your energy, your talents, your total personality converted into currency. We usually hold on to it tenaciously, yet it is uncertain in value and we cannot take it into the next world.
- Billy Graham
The Bible sees greed as a form of idolatry, because a greedy person worships things instead of God. Greed and envy have their roots in selfishness.
- Billy Graham
Everything that we see about us that we count is our possessions only comprises a loan from God, and it is when we lose sight of this all-pervading truth that we become greedy and covetous.
- Billy Graham
Life is not a matter of dollars and cents, houses and lands, earning capacity and financial achievement. Greed must not be allowed to make man the slave of wealth.
- Billy Graham
The Internal Revenue Service wants a record of how you spend your money, but that is nothing compared to the books God is keeping.
- Billy Graham
Money takes our minds off God.
- Billy Graham
Greed is an unreasonable or all-absorbing desire to acquire things or wealth. One test of greed is that it is never satisfied. Greed is repeatedly condemned in the Bible.
- Billy Graham
There are two ways of being rich—have a lot, or want very little. The latter way is the easier for most.
- Billy Graham
There are those who have made their fortunes on other people's misfortune. The Bible never promised that life would be fair.
- Billy Graham
Many young people are building their lives on the rock of materialism. I find across the country a deep economic discontent among people in every walk of life.
- Billy Graham
The fellow that has no money is poor. The fellow that has nothing but money is poorer still.
- Billy Sunday