Quotes about Wealth
The boy knew that in money there was magic; whoever has money is never really alone.
- Paulo Coelho
I savour the idea of my new state: single and a millionaire.
- Paulo Coelho
Some of my friends are very poor, the only thing they have is money.
- Paulo Coelho
Celebrity doesn't have anything to do with art or craft. It's about being rich and thinking that you're better than everybody else.
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt
You cannot all abandon your possessions, but at least you can change your attitude about them. All getting separates you from others; all giving unites to others.
- St. Francis Of Assisi
Money is not evil. There is no scarcity, except in our mind and attitudes. And what we believe we deserve will be about what we shall receive.
- Melody Beattie
A poverty-stricken nation with a great art is a greater nation than a wealthy nation with a poverty-stricken art.
- William Saroyan
To be content with what one has is the greatest and truest of riches.
- Cicero
There are people who have money and people who are rich.
- Coco Chanel
[On Hollywood:] There are millions to be grabbed out here, and your only competition is idiots. Don't let this get around.
- Herman Mankiewicz
Even where the Faith is preserved men pursue wealth and power inordinately. Where the Faith is lost they pursue nothing else.
- Hilaire Belloc
You know, people make a lot of money talking about me, don't they?
- Hillary Clinton