Quotes about Wealth
They spend their days in prosperity and go down to Sheol in peace.
- Job 21:13
Still, their prosperity is not in their own hands, so I stay far from the counsel of the wicked.
- Job 21:16
For what does he care about his household after him, when the number of his months has run out?
- Job 21:21
His body is well nourished, and his bones are rich with marrow.
- Job 21:24
But it was He who filled their houses with good things; so I stay far from the counsel of the wicked.
- Job 22:18
and consign your gold to the dust and the gold of Ophir to the stones of the ravines,
- Job 22:24
then the Almighty will be your gold and the finest silver for you.
- Job 22:25
Though he heaps up silver like dust and piles up a wardrobe like clay,
- Job 27:16
what he lays up, the righteous will wear, and his silver will be divided by the innocent.
- Job 27:17
He lies down wealthy, but will do so no more; when he opens his eyes, all is gone.
- Job 27:19
Its rocks are the source of sapphires, containing flecks of gold.
- Job 28:6
He hews out channels in the rocks, and his eyes spot every treasure.
- Job 28:10