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Quotes about Wealth

Silence is a strategy for the maintenance of the status quo, with its unbearable distribution of power and wealth.
- Walter Brueggemann
In his Sermon on the Mount, [Jesus] declares to his disciples: No one can serve two masters; for a slave will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth. (Matt. 6: 24) The way of mammon (capital, wealth) is the way of commodity that is the way of endless desire, endless productivity, and endless restlessness without any Sabbath. Jesus taught his disciples that they could not have it both ways.
- Walter Brueggemann
The royal dynasty of King David, as portrayed in the biblical text, was a tax-collecting, labor-exploiting, surplus-wealth-exhibiting regime.
- Walter Brueggemann
The store-house cities are an ancient parallel to the great banks and insurance houses where surplus wealth is kept among us. That surplus wealth, produced by the cheap labor of peasants, must now be protected from the peasants by law and by military force.
- Walter Brueggemann
Moses knows that prosperity breeds amnesia.
- Walter Brueggemann
The way of mammon (capital, wealth) is the way of commodity that is the way of endless desire, endless productivity, and endless restlessness without any Sabbath. Jesus taught his disciples that they could not have it both ways.
- Walter Brueggemann
When I chased after money, I never had enough. When I got my life on purpose and focused on giving of myself and everything that arrived into my life, then I was prosperous.
- Wayne Dyer
That is why one of Rich's most powerful songs, and one he enjoyed singing in concert more than any other, is "Greed.
- James Bryan Smith
What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?
- James Garlow
Propertied persons typically have large estates and freedom of movement through the society. At the same time, the property of the rich has the effect of crowding and confining the less propertied. The very poor are typically restricted to narrow geographical limits and are regarded as aliens outside them.
- James Carse
The more effective policy for a society is to find ways of persuading its thieves to abandon their role as competitors for property for the sake of becoming audience to the theater of wealth. It is for this reason that societies fall back on the skill of those poietai who can theatricalize the property relations, and indeed, all the inner structures of each society.
- James Carse
If wealth and might are to be performed, great wealth and great might must be performed brilliantly.
- James Carse