Quotes about Wealth
He that fails in his endeavors after wealth or power will not long retain either honesty or courage.
- Samuel Johnson
If either wealth or poverty are come by honesty, there is no shame.
- Confucius
For the criminal who is weak and poor the narrow cell of death awaits; but honor and glory await the rich who conceal their crimes behind their gold and silver and inherited glory.
- Khalil Gibran
If you have hope for the future you have true riches; no matter how much you have in your account
- Myles Munroe
There are some rich people who, no matter how much God sends their way, never seem to put their hope in their riches.
- Andy Stanley
If everyone would take only according to his needs and would leave the surplus to the needy, no one would be rich, no one poor, no one in misery.
- St. Basil
In this, of all the countries in the world, possession of inordinate wealth by individuals should be held as a crime against Indian humanity.
- Mahatma Gandhi
A socialist is somebody who doesn't have anything, and is ready to divide it up equally among everybody.
- George Bernard Shaw
The lack of money is the root of all evil.
- Mark Twain
All you have shall some day be given. Therefore give now, that the season of giving may be yours and not your inheritors.
- Khalil Gibran
Jehovah God is truly rich far beyond the imagination of humankind.
- Joseph Franklin Rutherford
The danger of prosperity is that it encourages a false independence.
- William Barclay