Quotes about Tact
Tact is that quality of grace that wins the confidence of people who are sure you won't do or say something stupid. You can't inspire a following if people have to hang their heads in embarrassment at the inappropriate and insensitive things you say or do. Tact is especially needed in a leader to help cope with embarrassing or tragic situations.
- John Piper
Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing.
- Mark Twain
You have all the cleverness which makes a successful man. Have you the tact?
- Arthur Conan Doyle
Never, if you can help it, be the bringer of ill news
- LM Montgomery
Tact is a faculty for meandering around to a given point instead of making a bee-line.
- LM Montgomery
Never argue. In society nothing must be; give only results. If any person differs from you, bow, and turn the conversation.
- Benjamin Disraeli
We have something to hide. We have secrets, worries, thoughts, hopes, desires, passions which no one else gets to know. We are sensitive when people get near those domains with their questions. And now, against all rules of tact the Bible speaks of the truth that in the end we will appear before Christ with everything we are and were…. And we all know that we could justify ourselves before any human court, but not before this one. Lord, who can justify themselves
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Dad had a way of disarming people because he never really directly attacked them. He might attack a principle, but he never attacked the individual.
- Martin Luther King III
Do not speak ill of the dead.
- Anonymous
You can disagree without being disagreeable.
- Zig Ziglar
So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life's A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you'll move mountains.
- Dr. Seuss
It is my view that we cannot conduct foreign policy at the extremes.
- Joe Biden