Quotes about Tact
it is important to understand the purpose of criticism. Criticism is not meant to punish, but rather to correct something that is preventing better results. The only goal of criticism or discipline is improvement. You must keep that in mind and try to the best of your ability to use tact.
- John Wooden
When Arioch, the commander of the king’s guard, had gone out to execute the wise men of Babylon, Daniel replied with discretion and tact.
- Daniel 2:14
Argument need not be heated; it can be punctuated with courteous smiles - or sympathetic tears.
- J. Sidlow Baxter
Diplomacy is the art of letting someone else have your way. —Daniele Vare, Italian diplomat
- William Ury
Take the eighteenth-century general who had fallen into disfavor with the great Prussian warrior king, Frederick the Great. Coming upon the king, the general saluted him with the greatest respect, but Frederick turned his back. "I am happy to see that Your Majesty is no longer angry with me," murmured the general. "How so?" demanded Frederick. "Because Your Majesty has never in his life turned his back on an enemy," replied the general.
- William Ury
Straightforwardness, without the rules of propriety, becomes rudeness.
- Confucius
The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing in the right place, but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.
- John Maxwell
If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all.
- Aesop
Governing a large country is like frying a small fish. You spoil it with too much poking.
- Lao Tzu
Be smarter than other people, just don't tell them so.
- H Jackson Brown, Jr.
The ability to have our own way, and at the same time convince others they are having their own way, is a rare thing among men. Among women it is as common as eyebrows.
- Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Buddha said: 'Hatred is never ended by hatred but by love,' and a misunderstanding is never ended by an argument but by tact, diplomacy, conciliation and a sympathetic desire to see the other person's viewpoint.
- Dale Carnegie