Quotes about Salvation
It is grace to not be paralyzed by regret. The cross teaches that you are not stuck, not cursed to pay forever for your past.
- Paul David Tripp
God's call to obey is itself a grace. In this call, he is actively rescuing you from you.
- Paul David Tripp
grace is greater than all of the sin we're grappling with.
- Paul David Tripp
when Jesus touches me with his rescuing grace, he is freeing me from my bondage to me!
- Paul David Tripp
If you could defeat sin by separating yourself from its external manifestations, Jesus would never have needed to come.
- Paul David Tripp
He is not only your indwelling Savior, he is your reigning King. He does in you what you could not do for yourself and he does outside of you what you have no power or authority to do.
- Paul David Tripp
This means he fights for us even when we have given up the fight. Our desire to follow him may weaken, but he will never give up or turn his back on us. He knows us because he made us, which is why he sent his Son to be for us what we could not be for ourselves and to do for us what we could not do on our own.
- Paul David Tripp
We are God's forever and ever. He will never turn his back on us. He will never angrily throw our sin in our faces. He will never withdraw his presence and his promises, no matter how messed up we continue to be, because our standing with him is not based on our performance, but on the perfect record of his Son. But
- Paul David Tripp
God will not rest from his redemptive work until he has once and for all presided over the funeral of sin and death.
- Paul David Tripp
The words of Zephaniah 3:17 ring with as much hope today as they did generations ago when they were penned: "The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save.
- Paul David Tripp
Peace isn't a faded dream. No, Peace is real. Peace is a person, and his name is Jesus.
- Paul David Tripp
Your biggest need (and mine) is a fully restored relationship with God.
- Paul David Tripp