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Quotes about Salvation

As a saved soul, the real business of your life is intercessory prayer. Whatever circumstances God may place you in, always pray immediately that His atonement may be recognized and as fully understood in the lives of others as it has been in yours. Pray for your friends now, and pray for those with whom you come in contact now.
- Oswald Chambers
Jesus doesn't bring anything up from the wells of human nature--He brings them down from above.
- Oswald Chambers
Just rejoice with godly excitement that His voice has been heard. You may often have to watch Jesus Christ wreck a life before He saves it (see Matthew 10:34).
- Oswald Chambers
the New Testament view is that He took our sin on Himself not because of sympathy, but because of His identification with us.
- Oswald Chambers
It was not the sorrow of the world that broke the heart of Christ, but its wickedness. He was equal to its sorrow ... He began by being the world's healer. But what broke him was its sin.
- PT Forsyth
Perfect love. It means love that goes on doing until there isn't any more to be done, and that goes on suffering until it can't suffer any more. That's why, when Jesus hung on the cross, He said, 'It is finished.' There wasn't one sin left that couldn't be forgiven, not one sinner who couldn't be saved, because He had died. He had loved perfectly.
- Patricia St. John
The cross is the place where we see love made perfect.
- Patricia St. John
Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again." John 3:3
- Patrick Morley
The good news of the kingdom is not freedom from hardship, suffering, and loss. It is the news of a Redeemer who has come to scue me from myself.
- Paul David Tripp
We all tend to look for life horizontally when the reality is that we will only ever find life vertically.
- Paul David Tripp
Our deepest problem is that we seek to find our identity outside the story of redemption.
- Paul David Tripp
I understand why many people who call themselves Christians are not excited about grace. If you think your environment is your problem, you won't esteem grace, but once you admit that you're your biggest problem, you will celebrate the grace that rescues you from you.
- Paul David Tripp