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Quotes about Salvation

Victory over the powers, once more, is accomplished through the forgiveness of sins.
- NT Wright
Because of the cross, the world as a whole is free to give allegiance to the God who made it.
- NT Wright
When Paul talks in his letters about 'the gospel', he doesn't primarily mean 'the way you too can get saved'. He means 'the message that says that Jesus, the crucified and risen one, is the Lord of the whole world'.
- NT Wright
How we are saved is closely linked to the question of what we are saved for.
- NT Wright
We could cope—the world could cope—with a Jesus who ultimately remains a wonderful idea inside his disciples' minds and hearts. The world cannot cope with a Jesus who comes out of the tomb, who inaugurates God's new creation right in the middle of the old one.
- NT Wright
Jesus is sheer, absolute gift of God. He is not a mere product of human history; he is the humanity of the God who graciously identifies with us and shares our human condition. No less human for that, for God's solidarity with us requires his full humanity. But human as God's self-gift to humanity, as 'Immanuel
- NT Wright
Christian mission means implementing the victory that Jesus won on the cross. Everything else follows from this.
- NT Wright
The reign of the crucified Jesus only had to be announced for it to become effective.
- NT Wright
God loves the world so much that he will not allow it forever to wallow in the corruption and decay into which the rebellious human race has plunged it.
- NT Wright
Jesus died for our sins not so that we could sort out abstract ideas, but so that we, having been put right, could become part of God's plan to put his whole world right. That
- NT Wright
True, the doctrine of purgatory was not so popular outside Roman circles in the nineteenth century. But "penal substitution," which had been emphasized partly in order to ward off that idea, then found a new home in the Western piety that focused not on God's kingdom coming on earth as in heaven, but on my sin, my heavenly (that is, nonworldly) salvation, and of course my Savior.
- NT Wright
Heaven's rule, God's rule, is thus to be put into practice in the world, resulting in salvation in both the present and the future, a salvation that is both for humans and, through saved humans, for the wider world. This is the solid basis for the mission of the church.
- NT Wright