Quotes about Salvation
The only reason why I'm a Christian is because I'm a gift of the Father to the Son, not because of anything I've ever done.
- RC Sproul
You see, it's one thing to accept Him as Lord, another to recognize Him as Savior - but it's another matter entirely to accept Him as Father.
- Max Lucado
Live in Christ, die in Christ, and the flesh need not fear death.
- John Knox
You need not fear the greatness or number of your sins.
- George Whitefield
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds In a believer's ear! It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, And drives away his fear.
- John Newton
No one can know the true grace of God who has not first known the fear of God.
- AW Tozer
What is it that renders death terrible? Sin. We must therefore fear sin, not death.
- Alphonsus Liguori
Christ will be master of the heart, and sin must be mortified. If your life is unholy, then your heart is unchanged, and you are an unsaved person. The Savior will sanctify His people, renew them, give them a hatred of sin, and a love of holiness.
- Charles Spurgeon
He who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments; and I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.
- Revelation 3:5
Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
- John 14:6
Holiness is the very principle of eternal life, the very beginning of eternal life in the heart, and that which will certainly grow up to eternal life.
- Jeremiah Burroughs
No child of God sins to that degree as to make himself incapable of forgiveness.
- John Bunyan