Quotes about Salvation
So instead of suggesting that we could escape the earth to go to heaven, Jesus's good news was about heaven coming to earth.
- NT Wright
The claim advanced in Christianity is of that magnitude: Jesus of Nazareth ushers in not simply a new religious possibility, not simply a new ethic or a new way of salvation, but a new creation. Now
- NT Wright
The only reason the death of Jesus was ever thought of as good news was because of what happened next.
- NT Wright
Jesus wasn't just a great character, a hero figure for subsequent generations to look up to. He was announcing good news—something that was happening and has now happened, something that changes the world. And either he was right or he was wrong.
- NT Wright
Put it this way: if your idea of God, if your idea of the salvation offered in Christ, is vague or remote, your idea of worship will be fuzzy and ill-formed. The closer you get to the truth, the clearer becomes the beauty, and the more you will find worship welling up within you. That's why theology and worship belong together. The one isn't just a headtrip; the other isn't just emotion.
- NT Wright
The New Testament picks up from the Old the theme that God intends, in the end, to put the whole creation to rights.
- NT Wright
According to the book of Revelation, Jesus died in order to make us not rescued nonentities, but restored human beings with a vocation to play a vital part in God's purposes for the world.
- NT Wright
It is not about "life after death" as such. Rather, it's a way of talking about being bodily alive again after a period of being bodily dead. Resurrection is a second-stage postmortem life: "life after 'life after death.
- NT Wright
Being saved' doesn't just mean, as it does for many today, 'going to heaven when they die'. It means 'knowing God's rescuing power, the power revealed in Jesus, which anticipates, in the present, God's final great act of deliverance'.
- NT Wright
The gospels were all about God becoming king, but the creeds are focused on Jesus being God.
- NT Wright
The Word through whom all things were made is now the Word through whom all things are remade.
- NT Wright
It isn't that God basically wants to condemn and then finds a way to rescue some from that disaster. It is that God longs to bless, to bless lavishly, and so to rescue and bless those in danger of tragedy—and therefore must curse everything that thwarts and destroys the blessing of his world and his people.
- NT Wright