Quotes about Salvation
For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the law. Romans 3:28
- Martin Luther
It is faith—without good works and prior to good works—that takes us to heaven. We come to God through faith alone.
- Martin Luther
so unbelief alone commits sin..Hence Christ calls unbelief the only sin.
- Martin Luther
To mix Law and Gospel not only clouds the knowledge of grace, it cuts out Christ altogether.
- Martin Luther
Christ doesn't want sinners who refuse to admit that they're sinners.
- Martin Luther
This is exactly how those who rely on their own efforts to be justified still act today. They concentrate on the good that they do, which they hope will please God. They don't trust in God's mercy and his grace. They aren't hoping that God will forgive their sins through Christ. This
- Martin Luther
God created us just in order to redeem us.. . .
- Martin Luther
To preach Christ is to feed the soul, to justify it, to set it free, and to save it, if it believes the preaching. For faith alone and the efficacious use of the word of God, bring salvation.
- Martin Luther
When you have learnt this, you will know that Christ is necessary for you, since He has suffered and risen again for you, that, believing on Him, you might by this faith become another man, all your sins being remitted, and you being justified by the merits of another, namely of Christ alone.
- Martin Luther
Therefore the first care of every Christian ought to be to lay aside all reliance on works, and strengthen his faith alone more and more, and by it grow in the knowledge, not of works, but of Christ Jesus
- Martin Luther
Almighty God, who through the death of Your Son has destroyed sin and death, and by His resurrection has restored innocence and everlasting life, that we may be delivered from the dominion of the devil, and our mortal bodies raised up from the dead: grant that I may confidently and wholeheartedly believe this, and, finally, with Your saints, share in the joyful resurrection of the just; through the same Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord. Amen.
- Martin Luther
wherever answer, deliverance, or salvation are mentioned in Scripture, there we must be quick to understand that cross and suffering are there before.
- Martin Luther