Quotes about Salvation
Dominus et magister n? Jesus Chrs? dicendo, Penitentiam agite etc, omn? vitam fidelium penitentiam esse voluit. (Our Lord and teacher, Jesus Christ, in saying, "repent," wanted the entire life life of a believer to be repentance.)
- Martin Luther
If you want to be saved and be a Christian, then stay open to correction. Preachers have to rebuke, or they should leave their position. The Christian who won't accept correction is only pretending to be a Christian.
- Martin Luther
They say: 'You were baptized when you were still a child and did not believe. Therefore, your Baptism was nothing.' etc. This is really the same as saying: 'If you do not believe, God's Word and Sacrament are nothing. But if you believe, they are something. Therefore, only those who have faith receive true Baptism, whereas those who do not believe receive nothing but water and are not truly baptized.
- Martin Luther
If He gave Himself into death for our sins, then undoubtedly He is not a tormentor. He is not One who will cast down the troubled, but One who will raise up the fallen and bring propitiation and consolation to the terrified.
- Martin Luther
If we fail to hold that the Person who was crucified was both God and man, we are eternally damned and lost. We must have a Savior who is more than a saint or an angel. If He were not superior to these, we would get no help from Him. But if He is God, then the treasure is so heavy that it not only outweighs and cancels sin and death but also gives eternal life. No mere human could acquire eternal life for us or overcome the devil and death.
- Martin Luther
There is nothing so good and nothing so evil but that it shall work together for good to me, if only I believe. Yes, since faith alone suffices for salvation, I need nothing except faith exercising the power and dominion of its own liberty.
- Martin Luther
But there is no other mediator than the Lord Christ, who is the Son of God.
- Martin Luther
Without Christ there is no access to the Father, but futile rambling; no truth, but hypocrisy; no life, but eternal death.
- Martin Luther
The Jews supposed that the Messiah would be the sovereign of the world. In reality, He was to become the Savior of the world.
- Martin Luther
Learn to believe that Christ was given, not for picayune and imaginary transgressions, but for mountainous sins; not for one or two, but for all; not for sins that can be discarded, but for sins that are stubbornly ingrained.
- Martin Luther
God is our Father and our God, but only in Christ Jesus.
- Martin Luther
faith alone makes all other works good, acceptable and worthy
- Martin Luther