Quotes about Testimony
You can share your testimony in many ways, by the words you speak, by the example you set, by the manner in which you live your life.
- Thomas Monson
The universal testimony of those who have suffered for the sake of Christ and His church is that they have experienced a deep fellowship, an intimate communion with Him in the midst of their sufferings.
- Jerry Bridges
There is an appropriate way to use your story, not as an excuse but as a testimony to God's ability to free you from the past.
- Andy Stanley
I believe that some of us who were kept by God a long while before we found Him love Him better perhaps than we should have done if we had received Him directly, and we can preach better to others - we can speak more of His loving-kindness and tender mercy.
- Charles Spurgeon
Every time I see my brother, I just praise God for God's grace in his life. Because if God can change Franklin from a prodigal into a man of God, he can do it for anybody.
- Anne Graham Lotz
I lost my wife to cancer and I saw the impact of telling my story - this is what happened, this is what God did and why he was faithful.
- Jeremy Camp
That is the joyful task of every follower of Jesus. Someday may it be written about me on my tombstone: He was so amazed by God's grace that he couldn't keep it to himself.
- Lee Strobel
We know the Lord makes His servants bold. The young boy Joseph who saw God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, in a grove of trees was transformed into a spiritual giant.
- Henry B. Eyring
If after your death a biographer or your children were to scan your canceled checks for insight into what kind of Christian you were, what conclusion would they come to? What would they reveal about your walk with Christ? Would those checks be tangible evidence of your spiritual trustworthiness?
- Donald Whitney
Evangelism is a natural overflow of the Christian life. Every Christian should be able to talk about what the Lord has done for him or her and what He means to him or her. But evangelism is also a Discipline in that we must discipline ourselves to get into situations where evangelism can occur, that is, we must not just wait for witnessing opportunities to happen.
- Donald Whitney
Preach the Gospel with your life.
- Matt Chandler
To be a witness means to live in such a way that one's life would not make sense if God did not exist.
- Madeleine L'Engle