Quotes about Anxiety
Jesus did not worry, and we do not have to worry either!
- Joyce Meyer
When we fear we will suffer, we already suffer the things we fear.
- Joyce Meyer
Worry and anxiety do, however, change us. It can make us sick and grouchy. A medical researcher recently told me that 87 percent of all illness is connected to wrong thought patterns.
- Joyce Meyer
being afraid does not change the experiences the enemy uses to make us afraid. Fear will never make circumstances better, but it will rob us of our strength to deal with them and of our ability to think clearly in the midst of them.
- Joyce Meyer
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. PHILIPPIANS 4:6,7 NASB
- Joyce Meyer
Worry is failing to trust God to take care of the various situations in our lives. When we worry, we are actually acting on the thought If I try hard enough, I can find a solution to my problem, which is the opposite of trusting God.
- Joyce Meyer
to fear is to run away from something due to an unpleasant emotion or feeling that we may suffer or be harmed.
- Joyce Meyer
What we worry about frequently never happens anyway, and if it is going to happen, worrying won't prevent it. Worry does not make you escape your trouble; it only makes you unfit to deal with it when it comes. God is our help in trouble (Psalm 46:1).
- Joyce Meyer
Matthew 6:34 suggested that we not worry about tomorrow because each day will have sufficient trouble of its own.
- Joyce Meyer
I like to describe worry or anxiety as spending today trying to figure out tomorrow. Let's learn to use the time God has given us for today!
- Joyce Meyer
It is absolutely impossible to worry and live in peace at the same time. Peace is not something that can be put on a person; it is a fruit of the Spirit (see Gal. 5:22), and fruit is the result of abiding.
- Joyce Meyer
The Word says to cast our care on Him, not our responsibility.
- Joyce Meyer