Quotes about Anxiety
Here is one of the most beautiful fruits of grace—a heart that is content, more given to worship than demand and more given to the joy of gratitude than the anxiety of want.
- Paul David Tripp
Perhaps all the fear of man, the pride of knowing, the seduction of acclaim, the quest for control, the depression in the face of hardship, the envy of the ministry of others, the bitterness against detractors, and the anxiety of failure are all about the same thing. Each of these struggles is about the temptation to make your ministry about you. From that first dark moment in the garden, this has been the struggle—to make it all about us.
- Paul David Tripp
It's so easy to load life onto your shoulders and be more motivated by low-grade anxiety than by divine awe.
- Paul David Tripp
The basic anxiety, the anxiety of a finite being about the threat of non-being, cannot be eliminated. It belongs to existence itself.
- Paul Tillich
The neurotic is aware of the danger of a situation in which his unrealistic self-affirmation is broken down and no realistic self-affirmation takes its place.
- Paul Tillich
Reasoning as a limited cognitive function, detached from the personal center, never could create courage. One cannot remove anxiety by arguing it away.
- Paul Tillich
Christianity sees in the picture of Jesus as the Christ a human life in which all forms of anxiety are present but in which all forms of despair are absent.
- Paul Tillich
The courage to be is rooted in the God who appears when God has disappeared in the anxiety of doubt. (190)
- Paul Tillich
Faith includes both an immediate awareness of something unconditional and the courage to take the risk of uncertainty upon itself. Faith says "Yes" in spite of the anxiety of "No." Biblical Religion and the Search for Ultimate Reality
- Paul Tillich
A warrior of the light...never confuses tension with anxiety.
- Paulo Coelho
Both condemnation and fear can cause a Believer to live in a condition of mental torment.
- Perry Stone
Prophetic ministers and believers in Christ's return are continually mocked as doom and gloom prognosticators whose messages only spread fear and anxiety.
- Perry Stone