Quotes about Anxiety
Nobody likes to have trouble. The moment we get a hint that it's coming, a common response is, 'Oh no! Not again!'
- Joyce Meyer
I hope that you will learn to take responsibility for your decisions. Don't take counsel of your fears.
- Thomas Monson
A romantic is usually afraid in case reality doesn't come up to expectations.
- Graham Greene
He had been frightened and so he had been vehement.
- Graham Greene
I'm afraid of the dark.' And his mother: 'Don't be silly. You know there's nothing to be afraid in the dark.' But he knew hte falsity of the reasoning; he knew how they taught also that there was nothing to fear in death, and how fearfully they avoided the idea of it.
- Graham Greene
The thought of retirement set his nerves twitching and straining: he always prayed that death would come first.
- Graham Greene
I had no memory at all of Sarah and I was completely free from anxiety, jealousy, insecurity, hate: my mind was a blank sheet on which somebody had just been on the point of writing a message of happiness. I felt sure that when my memory came back, the writing would continue and that I should be happy.
- Graham Greene
She had so much more capacity for love than I had - I couldn't bring down that curtain round the moment, I couldn't forget and I couldn't not fear. Even in the moment of love, I was like a police officer gathering evidence of a crime that hadn't yet been committed [...]
- Graham Greene
Henry added with apparent anxiety, 'You're wet through, Sarah. One day you'll catch your death of cold.' A cliché with its popular wisdom can sometimes fall through a conversation like a note of doom, yet even if we had known he spoke the truth, I wonder if either of us would have felt any genuine anxiety for her break through our nerves, distrust, and hate.
- Graham Greene
Terror was always just behind her shoulder: she was wasted by the effort of not turning round. She dressed up her fear, so that she could look at it—in the form of fever, rats, unemployment. The real thing was taboo—death coming nearer every year in the strange place: everybody packing up and leaving, while she stayed in a cemetery no one visited, in a big aboveground tomb.
- Graham Greene
She had an immense store of trivial memories and when she wasn't living in the future she was living in the past. As for the present—she got through that as quickly as she could, running away from things, running towards things, so that her voice was always a little breathless, her heart pounding at an escape or an expectation.
- Graham Greene
Worry and reasoning are two of Satan's most successful tools. He'll get us started with one negative thought and then sit back and watch us finish ourselves off.
- Joyce Meyer