Quotes about Anxiety
Why should it feel so risky to count concretely on a future?
- Barbara Kingsolver
it's the thing you fear most that walks beside you all the time.
- Barbara Kingsolver
Love is something sent from Heaven to worry the Hell out of you.
- Dolly Parton
Cato Lose not a thought on me, I'm out of danger. Heaven will not leave me in the victor's hand. Caesar shall never say, I conquered Cato. But, oh! my friends, your safety fills my heart With anxious thoughts: a thousand secret terrors 115 Rise in my soul: how shall I save my friends! 'Tis now, O Caesar, I begin to fear thee.
- Joseph Addison
the news that had everyone from Toronto to Tokyo crapping in their cornflakes
- Ernest Cline
Does anyone else find this shit completely terrifying
- Ernest Cline
We have to fight them daily, like fleas, those many small worries about the morrow, for they sap our energies.
- Etty Hillesum
Inappropriate, anxiety-driven, fear-driven work would only interfere with and distract from what God was already doing. My "work" assignment was to pay more attention to what God does than what I do, and then to find, and guide others to find, the daily, weekly, yearly rhythms that would get this awareness into our bones. Holy Saturday for a start. And then Sabbath keeping. Staying in touch with people in despair, knowing them by name, and waiting for resurrection.
- Eugene Peterson
Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.
- Eugene Peterson
I am scared of getting old. I am scared of being ill.
- Ben Stein
Worry leads to gray hair
- Beverly Lewis
Creativity is normal for any believer who is not influenced by anxiety.
- Bill Johnson