Quotes about Anxiety
Please, God, she prayed. Help me to hear him and let him just say what he needs to say. Help me not be afraid.
- Chris Fabry
Sleep is a luxury to anxious minds.
- Chris Fabry
It was not death or dying that frightened him, but the unexpectedness of both.
- Toni Morrison
Anna clung to him while he explained that the scorpion's tail was up because it was just as scared of her as she was of it. In Detroit, watching baby-faced police handling guns, she remembered the scorpion's rigid tail.
- Toni Morrison
The Greek word translated "peace" in the Scripture is eirene. This word is equivalent to the Hebrew word shalom. Essentially, eirene embodies completeness, wholeness, and an inner resting of the soul that does not fluctuate based on outside influences. A person who is at peace is someone who is stable, calm, orderly, and at rest within. The opposite of peace, of course, is inner chaos, anxiety, and worry. This
- Tony Evans
Every day I have to make a decision to choose faith over fear, faith over anxiety, faith over anger and doubt.
- Tony Evans
Being in Christ is both gift and task, privilege and responsibility. Exaggerate the gift, and you risk antinomian complacency; exaggerate the responsibility, and you risk legalistic anxiety.
- Kevin Vanhoozer
Self-sabotage is the common denominator in all forms of anxiety and depression, whether rooted in the body, soul or spirit.
- Kris Vallotton
Fear clouds our convictions and distorts our discernment.
- Kris Vallotton
When helping someone get free from demonic oppression, it is important that you are confident in God's power to deliver. If you become afraid in a deliverance session, the evil spirits will sense your anxiety. They will know that you do not have faith for their victim's freedom, and they will refuse to leave.
- Kris Vallotton
You cannot understand how intense depression and anxiety can be unless you have been there, and not every chemical imbalance signifies a demon. Sometimes we need to give people permission to take medication if they need it—which, by the way, is a huge no-no in many Christian circles.
- Kris Vallotton
Worry is the intrest paid by those who borrow trouble.
- George Washington