Quotes about Anxiety
Not knowing doesn't mean you're condemned to anxiety; rather, not knowing calls for trust, and trust is crucial to good performance. Uncertainty is essential to the game.
- John Ortberg
Welcome to the human race. It is somehow essential to human life as God has ordained it that we can know the final score of yesterday but not tomorrow. It doesn't mean we're condemned to anxiety. It does mean this: If you're looking for certainty, you've chosen the wrong species. You can walk by faith, but not by sight; not down here.
- John Ortberg
Worrying can lead to stress. What do we accomplish when we worry? Focus your mind on actions rather than on worrying! Action brings less stress
- Catherine Pulsifer
The nature and specifics of the negative depend on the part of the country and the year, but the common thread is: self-doubt.
- Gloria Steinem
When any fit of anxiety, or gloominess, or perversion of mind lays hold upon you, make it a rule not to publish it by complaints, but exert your whole care to hide it; by endeavouring to hide it you will drive it away. Be always busy.
- Samuel Johnson
Anxiety quickly demoralizes the whole body, and lays it open to the entrance of disease;
- James Allen
Every difficulty can be overcome if rightly dealt with; anxiety is, therefore, unnecessary. The task which cannot be overcome ceases to be a difficulty, and becomes an impossibility; and anxiety is still unnecessary, for there is only one way of dealing with an impossibility - namely, to submit to it. The inevitable is the best.
- James Allen
Yes, humanity surges with uncontrolled passion. id tumultuous with ungoverned grief, is blown about by anxiety and doubt; only the wise man, only he whose thoughts are controlled and purified, makes the winds and the storms of the soul obey him.
- James Allen
Thoughts of fear have been known to kill a man as speedily as a bullet, and they are continually killing thousands of people just as surely though less rapidly. The
- James Allen
The unselfish man, even though he finds himself involved in riches, stands aloof, in his mind, from the idea of "exclusive possession", and so escapes the bitterness and fear and anxiety which ever accompany the covetous spirit. He does not regard any of his outward accretions as being too valuable to lose, but he regards the virtue of unselfishness as being too valuable to the world - to suffering humanity - to lose or cast away.
- James Allen
I had uncontrollable panic attacks and paralysing negative thoughts about anything and everything.
- Frankie Bridge
I am only interested in the ideas that become obsessive and make me feel uneasy. The ideas that I'm afraid of.
- Marina Abramovic