Quotes about Anxiety
Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles...it empties today of its strength.
- Corrie Ten Boom
Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.
- Corrie Ten Boom
For years I played the what-if game. Maybe you're acquainted with this pastime. The rules are simple: Rule #1: You're only allowed to think of worst-case scenarios. Rule #2: You're never allowed to win this game. You can only lose. Rule #3: The more you play, the greater your losses.
- Craig Groeschel
I've identified four specific kinds of toxic waste that can poison our minds: (1) pessimism, which usually produces chronically negative thoughts; (2) anxiety, which usually manifests as fearful and worried thoughts; (3) bitterness, which pollutes our thinking with discontented and envious thoughts; and (4) criticism, which pumps destructive judgmental thoughts into our minds.
- Craig Groeschel
Fear actually relies on faith...it's simply faith in the wrong things. Fear is placing you faith in "what ifs" rather in than in "God is
- Craig Groeschel
God alone is God, and he alone merits first place—beyond every other love, every other anxiety, every other fear that consumes us.
- Craig Keener
Don't borrow trouble from round the bend,
- Lisa Wingate
It's a lesson I'm trying to learn from him, this living squarely in the present. I am a planner and a worrier. I torment myself by mentally replaying my past mistakes, wishing I'd been smarter, wishing I'd been stronger, wishing I'd made different choices. I live too often in the realm of what if. I also expend time and mental energy continually trying to anticipate what sort of crouching tiger might be hiding around the next corner.
- Lisa Wingate
I live too often in the realm of what if. I also expend time and mental energy continually trying to anticipate what sort of crouching tiger might be hiding around the next corner.
- Lisa Wingate
Well, that's the problem with postulatin', Hannibal. Brings up trouble that ain't happened yet and likely won't ever. Why bother with it?
- Lisa Wingate
I am unable to describe exactly what is the matter with me; now and then there are horrible fits of anxiety, apparently without cause, or otherwise a feeling of emptiness and fatigue in the head.
- Vincent Van Gogh
So I have a horror of success.
- Vincent Van Gogh