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Quotes about Space

The laws of thought are also the laws of things: of things in the remotest space and the remotest time.
- CS Lewis
In our time, we have sifted the sands of Mars, we have established a presence there, we have fulfilled a century of dreams!
- Carl Sagan
Space is a way of measuring time; time is a way of measuring space.
- Deepak Chopra
The physical body is conceived and constructed in consciousness as are time and space. All happens within our self.
- Deepak Chopra
Love is beyond time or rather love is both time and space but all focused on one single constantly evolving point-the Aleph.
- Paulo Coelho
There is no space in which worship should not take place, no time when it should not occur, and no activity through which it should not happen.
- Miroslav Volf
Nothing exists. All is a dream. God—man—the world—the sun, the moon, the wilderness of stars—a dream, all a dream; they have no existence. Nothing exists save empty space—and you…. And you are not you—you have no body, no blood, no bones, you are but a thought.
- Mark Twain
Herschel removed the speckled tent-roof from the world and exposed the immeasurable deeps of space, dim-flecked with fleets of colossal suns sailing their billion-leagued remoteness.
- Mark Twain
Notwithstanding all this furniture, there was still room to turn around in, but not to swing a cat in, at least with entire security to the cat. However, the room was large, for a ship's stateroom, and was in every way satisfactory.
- Mark Twain
we have found that the whole essence of matter lies in action, a i.e. in causality: as a result, matter must also unify space and time, that is, matter must possess the properties of both time and space simultaneously
- Arthur Schopenhauer
Ohio has produced 23 astronauts. Tell me, what is it about your state that makes people want to flee the Earth?
- Stephen Colbert
The idea of 10 dimensions might sound exciting, but they would cause real problems if you forget where you parked your car.
- Stephen Hawking